Kestrel is an extremely dynamic company, a two times Queens Award winner, where the people go the extra mile to make our customers dreams come true. We are looking for a dynamic multi-functional customer focused import/export operator based in our office in Felixstowe. The ideal candidate must ha...
The Caribbean Shipping Association’s 47th Annual General Meeting was held in Barbados for the 6th time earlier this week. The conference ran from the 9th to the 11th of October. Executives from the shipping industry travelled internationally to meet at this prestigious event. As usual, the topics...
Admiral Bay 2 sailed on the 26th September carrying the first set of relief cargo from Bridgetown, Barbados. It returned to collect even more aid and has sailed again. The next date Admiral Bay 2 calls into Bridgetown to collect and load supplies is 3/10/2017. Beckwith Express 3 sailed on the 26...