Kestrel Liner Agencies, LLP, and FreightOS announced that they have completed a successful roll out of the FreightOS auto-quote system at Kestrel’s offices, spanning the US, Caribbean, and UK. Working closely with the developers, Kestrel was able to go from manual quoting to virtually all onli...
Kestrel was delighted to be able to help when our valued principle FedNav contacted us to ask if we would be interested in sponsoring Sailability Vlaanderen. Etienne De Vel from FedNav has been instrumental in organising this weekend bringing the fun of sailing to all abilities no matter what...
Kestrel through it’s contact with the prestigious Virgin Group is delighted to be running a competition for our UK employees to win a pair of VIP tickets to the amazing Virgin V Festival this August. The second pair of tickets have just been awarded to Alex Whyte of our...